Wednesday, March 30, 2016

March Moments

Nothing like sitting by the fire with your feet up.

 Visiting with Baby Q
 Trivia night with this guy.
 A little workout.

An awesome afternoon to be outside. 

 And a storm that forced us into the basement.

 Happy St. Patrick's Day.

 We did a cake walk!
 They love helping Ohma with her indoor garden.
 Outdoor soccer has begun.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Easter At The Lake 2016

Easter break arrived and with it we headed to the lake. The weather was beautiful and it was great to spend time with the fam. The Easter Bunny found us and left more candy that we could possibly consume!


 He gets it from his mom. I appreciate the sorting method.
 The kids spent the day with Papa. Geocaching. Steak N Shake. And a quiet afternoon at the house for me. 

 This money was just magically appearing around the house for days. DB was more than happy to collect it.
 Slap Jack with Papa
 Sometimes she doesn't mind getting a pic with mom.